Sheldon, C. (2023). Closing the gap: establishing a “feedback loop” for effective parliamentary public engagement [Article]. Journal of Legislative Studies, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–17.
Working Papers
Sheldon, C. (2022) Unpacking Coalition Governance: Presenting a Dynamic Measure of Coalition Exit Signalling.
Sheldon. C. (2022) History and Measurement of the Dutch Parliamentary Committee System.
Blogs & Podcasts
Sheldon, C. (2023) Australia’s Unprecedented Coalition Politics: Unpacking Scott Morrison’s Ministerial Self-Appointments. OxPol Blog
Sheldon, C. (2020) Undoing the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, OxPol Blog
Oxpol Blogcast (2020) Episode 1: The Fixed-Term Parliaments Act.